The Fey Man begins in the Heel, the last refuge of Amyr. Each successive duke of the Heel takes the name Regent, and the people see themselves as the caretakers of King Emyr’s legacy.
The people of the Marches have a deserved reputation for breeding the finest horses in all of Tir. They have an unshakeable faith in authority, an idea that their ruling families are in that position because they are well-suited to it. As such, they rarely question the way things are, preferring instead to get on with the work at hand.
Erhenned dominates the coast of Tir and so dominates the seas. With the waters on the west and decades of border disputes with Tanabawr on the east, the Erhenni have become two people: sailors and lawyers. They approach both with the same practical, determined, and forthright attitude.
Tanabawr is a duchy of farmers, their land nicknamed the Bowl as it puts so much food on so many plates. With so much coin flowing into the duchy, its people have a reputation for being wealthy and arrogant. This hasn’t been helped by decades of encroaching on their neighbours’ land.
The Eastern Angles are hot, filled with deserts, but filled too with stunning cities that have provided Tir with ancient knowledge and exotic cuisine. The people wear the bones of their ancestors and worship King Emyr as death incarnate.
The United Provinces stretch over the Anwed Mountains of the north. Isolated and dismissed, the dwarfs quietly stoke their fires of industry whe the rest of Tir ignores them. Young dwarfs are sent to the Western Kingdom for three years as thralls after the Provinces lost a war with the Kingdom.
The Western Kingdom is the largest and most powerful realm of Tir. Rich with fertile soils, profitable mines and powerful magics, the elfs of the west think themselves the pioneers of civilisation. They see King Idris’ war as spreading that civilised light to the rest of Tir.
At the start of The Fey Man the Western Kingdom has invaded and subjugated the Marches, their armies headed by magically-enslaved dragons. Popular opinion states that The Heel is next and that the test of Tir will fall in short order. But, in the face of certain defeat, the Shield of the Eastern Angles thinks he can stop Idris with the legendary sword of King Emyr. But it’s a plan that hinges on one unwilling man: Thomas Rymour.